Monday, September 11, 2006

God's Provision...

$3,875 dollars felt overwhelming when I looked at the first school fee for the Discipleship Training School in Kona, Hawaii. Not only have I never owned over a thousand dollars, but I had 2 months to raise support and find a job. I would like to share how God's provisions have taught me how to trust and wait on Him.

In my quiet times I have been reading through Numbers and Luke in my One Year Bible. (it is such a cool way to read the old and new testiment!) It's amazing to see parallels and simularities throughout the old and new testiment. God character never changes and He proves his faithfulness from generation to generation! When the Israelites complained against God, He punished them but his love and compassion for his people outweighed his anger and judgement...He gave them the promise land even after their rebellion! In my own life I can see how God has provided and has been faithful even when I have been unfaithful. I believe God wants to prove to his people that he can blow their mind and his storehouse is full for those who ask.

The last 2 1/2 months God has provided time and time again. In the middle of the summer I was searching for a job.(I literally walked down a busy street in Elmhurst and filled out applications.) For some reason I had a feeling God was going to humble me and was waiting for me to give up so he could provide the perfect job...even if it didn't meet my standards. That's exactly what happened.
No one called back about my application and I was desperate to take any job. The next thing I knew my old boss from the Hillside Park district hooked me up with working at the Pool's concession stand. Baking pizzas and handing out Flammin' Hots and cheese put me in a humble place. Not only did I have the chance to work in the concession stand but I also put in the possition of "Supervior of Deck Attendants and Jr. Lifeguards". Through the aweful summer heat, slow work days, nasty locker rooms, and fights after the pool closed, I would never trade the incredible experience of God putting me where he wanted me. I can remember so many awesome conversations with the young staff I worked with about God, the purpose of life, and daily decisons. At the Adventure Bay Pool God met me. He used a job where I needed money to instead minster to hearts of teenagers and adults to bring him glory.

I know I keep rambling on but God has also provided a great number of babysitting jobs, free medical treatments, and supporters to help me pay for this trip. Right now $2,285 dollars have been donated to my trip from 21 people/ families. Including my money and finacial support from others the total amounts to $3,304.77!The prayers and finally support means so much and I am so thankful for those who have partnered with me. Thank you friends and family who have given and are praying! God is good and I need to continue to trust him as I am %40 there and need $4,000-$5,000 for the outreach phase for Africa. The next portion of money is due sooner than I thought...October 8, $2,500 is due for the downpayment for outreach. The remaining money(2,000) is due November 23.

Prayer is one of the most powerful tools that we can use as Christians! Please pray for me to have an obedient heart and right motives. Often times it is easy to look at the numbers instead of the Creator. He owns all things and he wants us to ask for what we need! I pray I would learn to seek his face and let the things of the world grow strangly dim in the light of his glory and grace.