Saturday, August 26, 2006


Who would have ever thought me and my hilarious friend Abby Cramton would end up going to Honolulu, Hawaii? Right now the plan is to fly out of Chicago, September 23 and stay with friends of a friend and explore a bit of Honolulu before me and Abbs take a plane to the 'Big Island",Hawaii, to start our Discipleship Training School. I've never been to Hawaii but I've heard its beautiful and Im excited to do all the touristy things as well as relax on the beach and taking time for me and God.
For awhile I felt very unsure of God's intensions for me to go on this trip with Youth With A Mission(YWAM) and be a part of a Discipleship Training School (DTS). One night in the garage I broke down in my mom's arms and shared how I felt unworthy to go on a trip like this... I mean Hawaii doesn't exactly sound like a missions trip or a place where you get your hands dirty. That night in the garage was a turning point for me. Through talking with my mom I realize how I doubted God;s desire to bless me with an awesome opportunity to go...even if it is in Hawaii. God contains so many characteristics and I believe throughout this trip Im going to see and experience God's compassionate and beautiful heart.
So whether Im in Honolulu, Kona, Africa, or wherever my hope and prayer is not to focus on where I'm located but is my love for the Lord growing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's so good to hear the growth you have been experiencing since Spring Break.

We missed you this summer, but we did have the oppurtunity to get to know your crazy friend Abby.

Enjoy everything, take chances and don't let fear stop you. We will be praying for you and Abby.
Yvonne Reed