Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Tanzania and Uganda

Dear Family and Friends,

Aloha from Hawaii! You may have been wondering what the Lord has been teaching me during my DTS on the Big Island of Hawaii. Over the past two months I’ve experienced personal transformation through intense biblical lectures and outside events like the severe earthquake last month. Without your involvement I would not have the privilege to learn so much about God. I am grateful for the love and support from home, friends, church, and family. God is so faithful and I’m excited to use the skills and knowledge I have learned in Tanzania. Thank you for allowing me to share what God is doing in my heart and some of the adventures I have had so far.

Originally I thought I would be attending Youth With A Mission’s University of the Nations in Kona, Hawaii for my Discipleship Training School. Before arrival my school leaders felt God say that the Compassion Discipleship Training School was to be “set apart” and moved another YWAM base called Makapala an hour north. On arrival day I was very skeptical of the rustic camp but Makapala has become my home and place of rest. God’s creation surrounds me everyday and at night the stars declare God’s majesty. We truly have been “set apart.” All of the 75 students and staff feel like family to me. I share a room with twenty other girls and love it! God is teaching me how to be intimate with the people around me and how to see them with his eyes.

On October 15, 2006 a 6.8 earthquake rocked the campus along with all the buildings and cabins. When God shook the ground he also awakened my heart to the reality of who he is and the authority he holds. Some buildings fell off their foundations and glass shattered but everyone was safe. Everyone rushed onto our huge front lawn and gathered to pray. The earthquake opened many doors for Christ’s love to be manifested physically and spiritually in the North Kohala community. I was glad to be part of an earthquake relief effort from Makapala and we cleaned a local art gallery.

God continues to shake my foundation so I may hold onto Him. A month ago we asked God which African country we should go for our two month AIDS relief outreach. My hands shook as I bowed to pray. The Lord directed and confirmed to me the nation of Tanzania. The Tanzania team has six students and two staff. As a team we pray fervently, asking for God’s direction and obedience while serving there.

On December 16 we leave Hawaii for a three day journey to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. There we will connect with the YWAM base and dive into the community to work with people affected by AIDS. Tanzania is the fifth poorest country in the world and is widely influenced by Islam. The only truth is Christ Jesus and He commands us to go into all the world and share who He is. My desire is to have God’s compassionate heart for those affected by the pandemic of AIDS and see Tanzania transformed by Christ Jesus.

In February, after my time in Tanzania, I will fly to Jinja, Uganda for an extended outreach. I will be part of a team coordinating YWAM’s first AIDS conference which will be attended by missionaries, pastors, and relief workers around the globe. One of my jobs will be organizing transportation for African pastors.

This opportunity is a gift from God and I know he is calling me to serve in this area. If I were to depend on my own strength and protection I would be hopeless. By stepping forward in faith I am learning more about God’s loving character and perfect provision. God has opened the door for me to become actively involved with AIDS relief. A few months ago those affected by AIDS were just a number but God is changing my heart and now I know AIDS has a face.

In just one month the lecture phase of my DTS will end and I will depart for Africa. God continues to move me and show me His heart. I greatly appreciate your prayers and hope you prayerfully consider financially supporting me for work in Tanzania and Uganda. The Lord has provided an amazing outpouring of finances for this mission and I need $3,000, specifically for the AIDS Conference in Uganda.

God is on the move and I am so privileged to serve Him around the world. Thank you for your continued support. I look forward to sharing all of what God does with you in the future. When I left Chicago I did not realize the reality of living my life as a disciple of Christ. I do not want to hold onto my life but give it to Christ because he knows the plans he has for me. Laying down my dreams and rights is not always easy but it is worth it to serve our King.

In Christ,

Ruth Dodgson

*if you would like to give financial support please address the check/envelope to:
Ruth Dodgson
5826 Kouba Dr.
Berkeley IL, 60163

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