Sunday, January 07, 2007

Happy Boxing Day From Tanzania!

Happy Boxing Day!!! Can you believe I am 11 hours ahead of you guys?! I was so happy to receive your email here and your presents!!! You have no idea how i loved getting presents from home...i was very surprised. I was homesick in the morning but after opening your gifts and the gifts my team gave me i was satisfied. I love receiving emails and letters!!!! I am living downtown Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Although it is a city it is very run down and extremely dirty. My room is small and i have a mosquito net hanging over it. My shower is rain water that drips from a pipe! The first few days I had culture shock and I was really homesick especially because it was xmas! God is good though and I am laying down my right to see you guys...just know when i get off that plane in 6 months I’m going to kiss your faces off and wrap my legs around you guys!
For Christmas we had a special breakfast: toast, African eggs, and apples. Our food is very limited here so is was a blessing to have all that. The seven of us had xmas together and opened gifts. Sharon I LOVE that song you wrote me! I can’t believe you did that! Later on I walked with two other people and we spent a few hours talking to homeless men on the street. The day before we met them and they were very eager to hear more about Jesus Christ. All of the men are very young about 20's. I had the chance to talk with a man named Sulton. At the end of our talk together we knelt down on the sidewalk and he accepted Christ. God is doing amazing things and it's genuine. Islam has a strong presence here and it is a very big deal to become a Christian. About 13 men came to Christ yesterday....on Xmas! Tomorrow my team is bringing bibles and we want to plug them into a church. Through talking with the men God has challenged my faith and what I say. These men have nothing not even money for food...yet Christ is their food now...they are truly hungry. Am I that hungry for God?I am so happy to hear from you and I want to hear more. The internet is very slow here so i might get your emails once in awhile. I miss all of you. Please pray for God's boldness and wisdom. I want to know God so much more and I am hungry for truth to share with the poor and outcast. Every time I go on the streets i think of Jesus and how he would be walking with me sharing salvation and healing people. I am excited for the weeks to come! This week we will be working in a HIV/AIDS clinic. Then on the 31st we will connect with a YWAM base...thank God!!!! We have been on our own for awhile so it will be good to meet other Christians here

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