Sunday, January 07, 2007

Dar es Salaam to Arusha

A body?( how are you?) I’m so thrilled to find have found a small Internet café and wish you all a Happy New Year! The last 2 weeks have challenged me in my walk with God and has made me truly surrender all my desires and rights to him. At times I have felt very homesick and miss the comforts of America but I know God has me exactly where I am for such a time as this. On New Year's Eve my team and me met up with a group of men who are new believers in Jesus Christ to do ministry at a local hospital. It is truly amazing to see the life changing power of Christ work in these once Islamic men to now serve Christ passionately in their own country.
When arriving at the hospital there was instant culture shock in the way hospitals in America and Tanzania are run. A man came driving up to the hospital with his pregnant wife and no one was there to help transport the mother then a truckload of men came with a dead relative in the back. It was very chaotic but it was sorted out. The 20 some of us walked around to the different wards praying for the children and adults affected by Malaria and children's disease. I had the chance to talk with a Tanzanian lady through a translator. I asked her if I could pray for her she replied," yes, but it's not enough." Her words cut right through me and I thought "Lord she is right, I can't do enough-but you can." I prayed for her and asked the Lord to heal her and be more than enough. I may never know if the lady was healed or not but I was hit with the reality of caring for the poor/sick and believing Jesus to be enough.
Later we went to lunch with the men a women's club in Dar es Salaam. Our new brothers felt like friends and we shared cokes, rice, beans, and chicken. We pray that they will take the gospel into the streets of Dar es Salaam and grow in christ.
Later that day we went back to St. Joseph's hostel (where we were staying) and packed up. Our first encounter with a YWAMer gave us great joy. We packed into her land rover style van and drove an hour and half to a YWAM base outside of the city. It is in the heart of local Tanzania life. It was so nice to celebrate New Year's with the Tanzanian YWAM staff. There was dancing, singing, laughing, and a time to share what Christ has done in our lives. I believe God is doing a great work in my heart. For the next 5 months I will be living in Africa. He is my strength everyday and I am learning to lay down every right. Surrender hurts but I learning that it is the best thing I can do. Yesterday our team went to a small village where the villagers rarely see white people. There one of our team members gave a message of surrender in the small mug church. God spoke to me there and was asking for me to give him my very life...if I try to hold onto my life I will lose it but if I give it up for his sake I will find it. Apart from the Lord I could not be here but God is teaching me about myself, the Tanzanian people, and how to love like Christ.
On Thursday my team and I will travel 8 hours by bus to Arusha, a popular city by Mt. Kilimanjaro to stay at another YWAM base. While there we will be going into villages, churches, and clinics talking about HIV/AIDS and the gospel. We don’t know what to expect but we know God is leading us there.
Thank you so much for your prayers and reading my updates. I appreciate hearing from you and getting updates from home. The Lord is good and I’m starting to really adapt here through God's grace...I’m even enjoying washing my clothes by hand and using the squatty potty! God is good! God bless all of you! I would love to also hear what God is doing in your life and how I can pray for you at home.


Dave Stoffer said...

getting some sweet experiences ruth.

Unknown said...

yes! the squatty potty.

ruth, it really sounds like you're being challenged in the situations you are in. thats really cool that you all are spending time with the muslim guys that just became christians--i bet it's a really hard time for them with family and friends. i'm praying for you and thanks for the update.

i've been learning a lot about AIDS relief and stuff lately. fill me in more on what you are doing with that in tanzania.

as for around here, things are going pretty well. craig & megan had their baby yesterday and i'm going to try to put up a picture of them on my blog soon.

i love you.

javajax said...

im curious have you ever laid hands on someone and seen them physicaly healed