Monday, October 30, 2006

God shakin me up...literally

Sunday morning, October 15, at 7:07 I was fast asleep in my top bunk. There was a tapping on the windows which I thought was the boys playing a prank on the girls dorm. All of sudden the room was shaking with a tremondous roar and twenty girls tried to escape from the dorm. i threw off the covers and fell to the ground unable to stand on my shakey legs. All I knew was to flee from the old building. My knees almost locked as i tried to run down the stairs. The ground shook with a great amount of power. That morning i experienced the power my god holds in his hands.
Everyone from my team was outside wondering if what they just experienced truly happened. Some were in their pj's, some in towels, and some wide awake from shock. We gathered in a circle after the earthquake stopped to pray and seek God. I have never felt the power of God in that way before but it has changed my veiw of God forever. All week in lectuers i was learning about the different characteristica of God and he is so good and faithful and yet all powerful. The words didn't connect from my head to my heart until God shook me...literally.
God protected every single person even though shelves fell and building fell off their foundation. Across the street there was some major damage to homes and streets but God was so faithful to protect us. The 6.8 earthquake effected many people and damaged many roads and buildings. Through the earthquake the door was open for teams to go out and help out in town, repairing shops and putting things back on he shelves. I worked at a small art gallery which had many broken peices. The owners were so greatful that they blessed me with earrings.
I can't begin to explain all the lessons God is teaching me. And he is so much more than a teacher he is my friend, my lover, and my father. He possess more qualities than I could fathom in a lifetime and he has a plan for my life that I can't even begin to imagine. Im learning to give everthing that I am to God and hold on for the ride. The morning the earthquake hit I realized God is so much bigger than i thought. He is a God who has an amazing amounts of love for me and he has great things for me.
The best part is...He has great things for you as well. I was thinking of my walk with God at home and how I would feel lukewarm. God is not lukewarm. He desires for you and me to live to the upmost that he created us to be. So how do we do that? How do we live an aboundant life? We live the aboundant life when we live out what God shows us in his word and fall in love with him. He has great things for us to do in this life...even if we work in an office or stay at home. He is not a condeming God but is so patient and wants us to thrive in him!!!! It took a earthquake to wake me up to God's awesomeness and calling...i pray that he would awaken all of us and we would not back down from his calling to be be apart of his work.


Anonymous said...

Ruthie D how i miss thee!!!!!!

It is so aweome to hear how GOD is Shakin' you! I am so excited to her what God's gonna do in tanzania!

Continue to alllow him to rock your world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love yah gotta get back to classsss!

Unknown said...

i loved reading about how God is growing you. thanks for the encouragement and challenging me to see God here, too. i love you.

Dave Stoffer said...

danggg. Ruth, that is pretty insane. Keep living for Jesus, because he wants you alive.