Wednesday, October 04, 2006


God works in miraculous ways and we are unaware of the work God is doing right in front of us. For the last few days my focus DTS has met together and all 90 of us have shared our story of how God brought us here. In my Compassion Discipleship Training School there are poeple between the ages of 17-50...People from Thailand to Wisconsin...People coming off Coke addictions to people surrending their life to Christ 3 months ago!!!! It is an awesome place to be and God is opening my eyes to see how great he is and how He brought every single person here for this time.
One of my favorite students who shared her story of God bringing her on the Compassion DTS is my good friend Abby Cramton. Abby opened with the phrase "Just to let you all know I use to get paid for this so I love a captive audience and a mic in my hand."Everyone laughed but Abby grew serious and shared her amazing story of how God has changed her life from High School to working in New York. She was totally vulnerable and captivated the team by being genuine about her life and how God has brought her to life in Christ! It was one of the most beautiful testimonies I've ever listened to. If you know Abby she is a very funny and likable girl to be around but her faith impresses me the more. This Saturday our DTS will travel an hour and a half north to Makapala, Hawaii to settle into our home for the next 3 months of training for AIDS relief work in Southern Africa. In Makapala Abby and I will be split into different rooms but I am excited for Abby to touch other girl's lives the way that she has touched mine.


Unknown said...

i like hearing from you. i want to hear more about what God's teaching you as an individual. i'm so excited for you!!

Anonymous said...

I like this blog thing ruthie....You are one of a kind and I love to hear bout you and Abby. GIve her a hug for me!!~liz