Monday, October 02, 2006


I never know where to start when so much time has past...I'll try my best. So far Abby and I have lived in Hawaii for week and two days. We arrived in Honolulu on the island O'ahu on September 23. There at the airport, after a long day of travel, the Smiths met us with beautiful Hawaiian leis! Just like the movies. At first I wasn't sure what to expect of the Hawaiian lifestyles but soon enough me and Abby would explore the beautiful island.
The Smiths (our host family) was incredible! God totally went before me and Abby and provided for us in everyway possible from driving us around to inviting us to their home Bible study. Mr. and Mrs. Smith showed us the hot spots on O'ahu. The majestic beaches and mountains where overwhelming at times because God's love was so physically evident. It was as though God was unwrapping a beautiful gift right infront of me. Whoever has traveled to Hawaii knows Hawaii is one of the most beautiful places on earth and the scenery is breathtaking.
Mrs. Smith took Abby and I around to several beaches but my favorite spot was Waimea Bay on the North Shore. The beaches on the North Shore are visited by most locals and Hawaiians, on the opposite side, Honolulu, the hotels and turists dominate. There at Waimea Bay while the sun set Abby and I went cliff jumping into the ocean. The adventures never came to an end with Abby. While snorkeling at Shark's Cove Abby banged her knee on the coral reef. She was bleeding so Mrs. Smith drove us to the all famous Banzai Beach (where serval surfing movies are filmed, such as Blue Crush) to have the lifequards clean the wound. I walked with Abby to the lifeguard post to take pictures of the event. Thats when we met our two favorite lifeguards friends Fred and Erin. Not only did Abby's knee get taken care of we talked to the two experienced lifeguards for a hour about Christ. At the end of our time on the lifeguard post all four of us were holding hands praying! Fred and Erin don't know the Lord but God led us to prayer and share with these older men about Christ.
Our days were filled with hikes up ancient volcaneos and traveling to different beaches but nothing impacted me more than seeing God's provision and love through the Smiths. It's hard to understand what I'm talking about until you experience on your own. Before I left for Hawaii I stuggled with going on this trip becuase I felt so unworthy of going to a beautiful place for training. The truth is God wants to bless us and show us awesome things even when we are unworthy, thats called grace. Grace is amazing and Im learning how to accept it.
Needless to say there were plenty of experiences with Abby and the Smith family that I will always hold in my heart. The Smith's love and hospitality astounded me and I am truly greatful for their time and being Christ to me and Abby while living with them. Flying out of Honolulu my heart was at rest because I knew God would go before me into the next adventure(my DTS phase) just like he had in Honolulu.

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