Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Tanzania and Uganda

Dear Family and Friends,

Aloha from Hawaii! You may have been wondering what the Lord has been teaching me during my DTS on the Big Island of Hawaii. Over the past two months I’ve experienced personal transformation through intense biblical lectures and outside events like the severe earthquake last month. Without your involvement I would not have the privilege to learn so much about God. I am grateful for the love and support from home, friends, church, and family. God is so faithful and I’m excited to use the skills and knowledge I have learned in Tanzania. Thank you for allowing me to share what God is doing in my heart and some of the adventures I have had so far.

Originally I thought I would be attending Youth With A Mission’s University of the Nations in Kona, Hawaii for my Discipleship Training School. Before arrival my school leaders felt God say that the Compassion Discipleship Training School was to be “set apart” and moved another YWAM base called Makapala an hour north. On arrival day I was very skeptical of the rustic camp but Makapala has become my home and place of rest. God’s creation surrounds me everyday and at night the stars declare God’s majesty. We truly have been “set apart.” All of the 75 students and staff feel like family to me. I share a room with twenty other girls and love it! God is teaching me how to be intimate with the people around me and how to see them with his eyes.

On October 15, 2006 a 6.8 earthquake rocked the campus along with all the buildings and cabins. When God shook the ground he also awakened my heart to the reality of who he is and the authority he holds. Some buildings fell off their foundations and glass shattered but everyone was safe. Everyone rushed onto our huge front lawn and gathered to pray. The earthquake opened many doors for Christ’s love to be manifested physically and spiritually in the North Kohala community. I was glad to be part of an earthquake relief effort from Makapala and we cleaned a local art gallery.

God continues to shake my foundation so I may hold onto Him. A month ago we asked God which African country we should go for our two month AIDS relief outreach. My hands shook as I bowed to pray. The Lord directed and confirmed to me the nation of Tanzania. The Tanzania team has six students and two staff. As a team we pray fervently, asking for God’s direction and obedience while serving there.

On December 16 we leave Hawaii for a three day journey to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. There we will connect with the YWAM base and dive into the community to work with people affected by AIDS. Tanzania is the fifth poorest country in the world and is widely influenced by Islam. The only truth is Christ Jesus and He commands us to go into all the world and share who He is. My desire is to have God’s compassionate heart for those affected by the pandemic of AIDS and see Tanzania transformed by Christ Jesus.

In February, after my time in Tanzania, I will fly to Jinja, Uganda for an extended outreach. I will be part of a team coordinating YWAM’s first AIDS conference which will be attended by missionaries, pastors, and relief workers around the globe. One of my jobs will be organizing transportation for African pastors.

This opportunity is a gift from God and I know he is calling me to serve in this area. If I were to depend on my own strength and protection I would be hopeless. By stepping forward in faith I am learning more about God’s loving character and perfect provision. God has opened the door for me to become actively involved with AIDS relief. A few months ago those affected by AIDS were just a number but God is changing my heart and now I know AIDS has a face.

In just one month the lecture phase of my DTS will end and I will depart for Africa. God continues to move me and show me His heart. I greatly appreciate your prayers and hope you prayerfully consider financially supporting me for work in Tanzania and Uganda. The Lord has provided an amazing outpouring of finances for this mission and I need $3,000, specifically for the AIDS Conference in Uganda.

God is on the move and I am so privileged to serve Him around the world. Thank you for your continued support. I look forward to sharing all of what God does with you in the future. When I left Chicago I did not realize the reality of living my life as a disciple of Christ. I do not want to hold onto my life but give it to Christ because he knows the plans he has for me. Laying down my dreams and rights is not always easy but it is worth it to serve our King.

In Christ,

Ruth Dodgson

*if you would like to give financial support please address the check/envelope to:
Ruth Dodgson
5826 Kouba Dr.
Berkeley IL, 60163

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

John, me, and Jessie sang "SaveMe" by Waterdeep for the coffee house.

Monday, October 30, 2006

God shakin me up...literally

Sunday morning, October 15, at 7:07 I was fast asleep in my top bunk. There was a tapping on the windows which I thought was the boys playing a prank on the girls dorm. All of sudden the room was shaking with a tremondous roar and twenty girls tried to escape from the dorm. i threw off the covers and fell to the ground unable to stand on my shakey legs. All I knew was to flee from the old building. My knees almost locked as i tried to run down the stairs. The ground shook with a great amount of power. That morning i experienced the power my god holds in his hands.
Everyone from my team was outside wondering if what they just experienced truly happened. Some were in their pj's, some in towels, and some wide awake from shock. We gathered in a circle after the earthquake stopped to pray and seek God. I have never felt the power of God in that way before but it has changed my veiw of God forever. All week in lectuers i was learning about the different characteristica of God and he is so good and faithful and yet all powerful. The words didn't connect from my head to my heart until God shook me...literally.
God protected every single person even though shelves fell and building fell off their foundation. Across the street there was some major damage to homes and streets but God was so faithful to protect us. The 6.8 earthquake effected many people and damaged many roads and buildings. Through the earthquake the door was open for teams to go out and help out in town, repairing shops and putting things back on he shelves. I worked at a small art gallery which had many broken peices. The owners were so greatful that they blessed me with earrings.
I can't begin to explain all the lessons God is teaching me. And he is so much more than a teacher he is my friend, my lover, and my father. He possess more qualities than I could fathom in a lifetime and he has a plan for my life that I can't even begin to imagine. Im learning to give everthing that I am to God and hold on for the ride. The morning the earthquake hit I realized God is so much bigger than i thought. He is a God who has an amazing amounts of love for me and he has great things for me.
The best part is...He has great things for you as well. I was thinking of my walk with God at home and how I would feel lukewarm. God is not lukewarm. He desires for you and me to live to the upmost that he created us to be. So how do we do that? How do we live an aboundant life? We live the aboundant life when we live out what God shows us in his word and fall in love with him. He has great things for us to do in this life...even if we work in an office or stay at home. He is not a condeming God but is so patient and wants us to thrive in him!!!! It took a earthquake to wake me up to God's awesomeness and calling...i pray that he would awaken all of us and we would not back down from his calling to be be apart of his work.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

M to the Maka P to the Pala

Two weeks ago the Compassion Discipleship training School including myself were welcomed by the Island Breeze YWAM staff, in Makapala. The island Breeze staff honored all of us with leis and a wonderful feast of traditional Hawaiian food. Every since the first day God has rocked our group (literally) and is continuing to bond all of us as one o’ hana (family).
The property we are staying on is called Makapala, it is also owned by the Island Breeze staff that minister to the Hawaiian people through cultural dance and story telling. My team leaders are an older couple, John and Jill Bills. God specifically spoke to them about this Compassion DTS to be set apart and be open to moving to a different location apart from Kona, where the main YWAM base is located. Through confirmation of pray God has lead all of us 90 persons to Makapala base and be “set apart”. Over the last two weeks in Makalpala I am now 100% confident that this is exactly where God wants me and our team to be.

After the welcome ceremony on the lawn the girls ran up to the rooms where we would be staying. There is one large building where the cafeteria is on the bottom while the two girl’s dorms and worship hall is on the top floor. The white boards and swaying bunk beds reminded me of camp life and I soon picked a top bunk by the huge windows. With twenty girls to one room I figured it would be best to have a breeze and a window to look out of. Across from my bed is this awesome girl named Katie who is from Oregon. She totally reminds me of a Cali chick but she is very down to earth and has an extreme relationship with the Lord.
Other than the girl’s dorms, there is a sweet field in front of the property, where we have played numerous ultimate Frisbee games, capture the flag, and have had personal times with God. My favorite spot is back in the lush trees where a really old chapel sits. It’s white but it provided the perfect spot to sit and be comforted by the trees around it.
The Lord keeps stretching my mind and heart as our speakers challenge me and also how God speaks to me through my quiet time. Being “set apart” is starting to hit me and how God has orchestrated all the details so I can be inn this place and be still. Although I am in the middle of nowhere, I am amazing by the excitement God is putting in my heart through his character and the people around me.
Last week was our first week of lectures. Monday through Friday for four hours our group has lectures. It sounds awful but I am realizing so much about who God is and who I am. The awesome part is, I have a chance to test out what I hear in lectures. We had an awesome speaker named Dan Shannon 24, who spoke on the character and nature of God. Dan’s passion and genuine heart motivated me to move to a different level with God. He challenged us to know truth from God’s word. I need to know truth for me and that comes from reading and seeking God out for me. It may sound like a common sense revelation but I need to make my faith my own. That night I went out to the old chapel and asked for God to become real and help me understand. In the small chapel I didn’t heat a booming voice but I did feel his presence. Even when God seems absent or these lectures become overwhelming god wants me to seek him. For the first two weeks I felt so emotionally and spiritually dead. I didn’t understand why and I became frustrated. Through my devos and talking with the Lord he revealed to me that He is faithful and he wants me to be faithful even when I don’t “feel” his presence.
Man, I am learning so much about God’s character and how to hear his voice. God is so exciting if we are willing to listen and obey. This week we have a new speaker and Im so excited for what else god has to reveal.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


God works in miraculous ways and we are unaware of the work God is doing right in front of us. For the last few days my focus DTS has met together and all 90 of us have shared our story of how God brought us here. In my Compassion Discipleship Training School there are poeple between the ages of 17-50...People from Thailand to Wisconsin...People coming off Coke addictions to people surrending their life to Christ 3 months ago!!!! It is an awesome place to be and God is opening my eyes to see how great he is and how He brought every single person here for this time.
One of my favorite students who shared her story of God bringing her on the Compassion DTS is my good friend Abby Cramton. Abby opened with the phrase "Just to let you all know I use to get paid for this so I love a captive audience and a mic in my hand."Everyone laughed but Abby grew serious and shared her amazing story of how God has changed her life from High School to working in New York. She was totally vulnerable and captivated the team by being genuine about her life and how God has brought her to life in Christ! It was one of the most beautiful testimonies I've ever listened to. If you know Abby she is a very funny and likable girl to be around but her faith impresses me the more. This Saturday our DTS will travel an hour and a half north to Makapala, Hawaii to settle into our home for the next 3 months of training for AIDS relief work in Southern Africa. In Makapala Abby and I will be split into different rooms but I am excited for Abby to touch other girl's lives the way that she has touched mine.

Monday, October 02, 2006


I never know where to start when so much time has past...I'll try my best. So far Abby and I have lived in Hawaii for week and two days. We arrived in Honolulu on the island O'ahu on September 23. There at the airport, after a long day of travel, the Smiths met us with beautiful Hawaiian leis! Just like the movies. At first I wasn't sure what to expect of the Hawaiian lifestyles but soon enough me and Abby would explore the beautiful island.
The Smiths (our host family) was incredible! God totally went before me and Abby and provided for us in everyway possible from driving us around to inviting us to their home Bible study. Mr. and Mrs. Smith showed us the hot spots on O'ahu. The majestic beaches and mountains where overwhelming at times because God's love was so physically evident. It was as though God was unwrapping a beautiful gift right infront of me. Whoever has traveled to Hawaii knows Hawaii is one of the most beautiful places on earth and the scenery is breathtaking.
Mrs. Smith took Abby and I around to several beaches but my favorite spot was Waimea Bay on the North Shore. The beaches on the North Shore are visited by most locals and Hawaiians, on the opposite side, Honolulu, the hotels and turists dominate. There at Waimea Bay while the sun set Abby and I went cliff jumping into the ocean. The adventures never came to an end with Abby. While snorkeling at Shark's Cove Abby banged her knee on the coral reef. She was bleeding so Mrs. Smith drove us to the all famous Banzai Beach (where serval surfing movies are filmed, such as Blue Crush) to have the lifequards clean the wound. I walked with Abby to the lifeguard post to take pictures of the event. Thats when we met our two favorite lifeguards friends Fred and Erin. Not only did Abby's knee get taken care of we talked to the two experienced lifeguards for a hour about Christ. At the end of our time on the lifeguard post all four of us were holding hands praying! Fred and Erin don't know the Lord but God led us to prayer and share with these older men about Christ.
Our days were filled with hikes up ancient volcaneos and traveling to different beaches but nothing impacted me more than seeing God's provision and love through the Smiths. It's hard to understand what I'm talking about until you experience on your own. Before I left for Hawaii I stuggled with going on this trip becuase I felt so unworthy of going to a beautiful place for training. The truth is God wants to bless us and show us awesome things even when we are unworthy, thats called grace. Grace is amazing and Im learning how to accept it.
Needless to say there were plenty of experiences with Abby and the Smith family that I will always hold in my heart. The Smith's love and hospitality astounded me and I am truly greatful for their time and being Christ to me and Abby while living with them. Flying out of Honolulu my heart was at rest because I knew God would go before me into the next adventure(my DTS phase) just like he had in Honolulu.

Monday, September 11, 2006

God's Provision...

$3,875 dollars felt overwhelming when I looked at the first school fee for the Discipleship Training School in Kona, Hawaii. Not only have I never owned over a thousand dollars, but I had 2 months to raise support and find a job. I would like to share how God's provisions have taught me how to trust and wait on Him.

In my quiet times I have been reading through Numbers and Luke in my One Year Bible. (it is such a cool way to read the old and new testiment!) It's amazing to see parallels and simularities throughout the old and new testiment. God character never changes and He proves his faithfulness from generation to generation! When the Israelites complained against God, He punished them but his love and compassion for his people outweighed his anger and judgement...He gave them the promise land even after their rebellion! In my own life I can see how God has provided and has been faithful even when I have been unfaithful. I believe God wants to prove to his people that he can blow their mind and his storehouse is full for those who ask.

The last 2 1/2 months God has provided time and time again. In the middle of the summer I was searching for a job.(I literally walked down a busy street in Elmhurst and filled out applications.) For some reason I had a feeling God was going to humble me and was waiting for me to give up so he could provide the perfect job...even if it didn't meet my standards. That's exactly what happened.
No one called back about my application and I was desperate to take any job. The next thing I knew my old boss from the Hillside Park district hooked me up with working at the Pool's concession stand. Baking pizzas and handing out Flammin' Hots and cheese put me in a humble place. Not only did I have the chance to work in the concession stand but I also put in the possition of "Supervior of Deck Attendants and Jr. Lifeguards". Through the aweful summer heat, slow work days, nasty locker rooms, and fights after the pool closed, I would never trade the incredible experience of God putting me where he wanted me. I can remember so many awesome conversations with the young staff I worked with about God, the purpose of life, and daily decisons. At the Adventure Bay Pool God met me. He used a job where I needed money to instead minster to hearts of teenagers and adults to bring him glory.

I know I keep rambling on but God has also provided a great number of babysitting jobs, free medical treatments, and supporters to help me pay for this trip. Right now $2,285 dollars have been donated to my trip from 21 people/ families. Including my money and finacial support from others the total amounts to $3,304.77!The prayers and finally support means so much and I am so thankful for those who have partnered with me. Thank you friends and family who have given and are praying! God is good and I need to continue to trust him as I am %40 there and need $4,000-$5,000 for the outreach phase for Africa. The next portion of money is due sooner than I thought...October 8, $2,500 is due for the downpayment for outreach. The remaining money(2,000) is due November 23.

Prayer is one of the most powerful tools that we can use as Christians! Please pray for me to have an obedient heart and right motives. Often times it is easy to look at the numbers instead of the Creator. He owns all things and he wants us to ask for what we need! I pray I would learn to seek his face and let the things of the world grow strangly dim in the light of his glory and grace.

Saturday, August 26, 2006


Who would have ever thought me and my hilarious friend Abby Cramton would end up going to Honolulu, Hawaii? Right now the plan is to fly out of Chicago, September 23 and stay with friends of a friend and explore a bit of Honolulu before me and Abbs take a plane to the 'Big Island",Hawaii, to start our Discipleship Training School. I've never been to Hawaii but I've heard its beautiful and Im excited to do all the touristy things as well as relax on the beach and taking time for me and God.
For awhile I felt very unsure of God's intensions for me to go on this trip with Youth With A Mission(YWAM) and be a part of a Discipleship Training School (DTS). One night in the garage I broke down in my mom's arms and shared how I felt unworthy to go on a trip like this... I mean Hawaii doesn't exactly sound like a missions trip or a place where you get your hands dirty. That night in the garage was a turning point for me. Through talking with my mom I realize how I doubted God;s desire to bless me with an awesome opportunity to go...even if it is in Hawaii. God contains so many characteristics and I believe throughout this trip Im going to see and experience God's compassionate and beautiful heart.
So whether Im in Honolulu, Kona, Africa, or wherever my hope and prayer is not to focus on where I'm located but is my love for the Lord growing.